To ensure an always high quality of our products,
ADDCON has implemented an extensive Quality Management Program.
With this, ADDCON can promise his partners and customers to deliver
hygienic products with specified quality.
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 50001:2018
FAMI-QS&Q&S (ID 4953113153175)/pastus+/DE-ÖKO-006/FiBl/A-Futter/VLOG

- + Management Manual
- + Declaration of top management to quality politics
- + Declaration of top management to environment politics
- + Declaration of top management to energy politics
- + Declaration of top management for feed safety
- + Declaration of the top management for food safety
- + Public information in accordance with § 8a der 12. BImSchV
This is the integrated Management-System of the companies ADDCON GmbH and ADDCON EUROPE GmbH in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, DIN EN ISO 14001:2015, DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 the directives of the feed industry including HACCP, FAMI-QS, Q&S, as well as the food safety systems FSSC 22000, Kosher and Halal.
Parsevalstraße 6
D-06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Phone: 0228 91910-0
Fax: 0228 91910-60
mail: info@addcon.com
web: www.addcon.com
Bitterfeld, Areal E
Säurestraße 1, Areal E
D-06749 Bitterfeld
Phone: 03493 737-80
Fax: 03493 737-87
E-Mail: info@addcon.com
Internet: www.addcon.com
Bitterfeld, Areal D
Parsevalstraße 6A, Areal D
D-06749 Bitterfeld
Tel: 03493 899899-0
Fax: 03493 899899-8
E-Mail: info@addcon.com
Internet: www.addcon.com
This Management Manual is property of the ADDCON GmbH/ADDCON EUROPE GmbH and may not be replicated, distributed or given third parties for review without permission
Declaration of the top management
The Management Manual of the companies ADDCON GmbH and ADDCON EUROPE GmbH describe the strategic goals of the integrated management system of the companies. It describes all processes and responsibilities. It proves, that all actions are planned and controlled.
The manual and its documents lay down the basis of the processes and responsibilities, necessary for an environmental, qualitative and effective business and the observation of the context show the risks and chances. The described politics to all management topics are binding to all members of the ADDCON GmbH and ADDCON EUROPE GmbH. The scope of the management-systems are embedded in the norms and if not stated otherwise in the norms are describing the whole group of companies.
All employees as well as external service providers are committed, to act for the purpose of the environment and quality and on the respective documents. The whole Management manual is the super ordinated principle for processes. The processes on site or in the departments are regulated through the SOPs.
The quality management and its documents are regularly adapted to the changing demands: state of technic, regulations, market, performance profils, customers, interested parties, environmental topics and qualification of employees.
The managing director of ADDCON is declaring, to act in all necessary ways, to ensure that the production conditions are always fulfilling all regulations in the respective industries (e.g. feed sector).
The managing director, the technical director and the quality management are declaring to maintain and improve the QM-System, to fulfill all following norms:
- ISO 9001:2015
- ISO 14001:2015/Blauer Engel
- ISO 50001:2018
- FSSC 22000/Kosher/Halal
- FAMI-QS/Q&S (ID 2953113153175)/pastus+/DE-ÖKO-006/FiBl/A-Futter/VLOG
The managing director provides the necessary financial and personal ressources.
The management manual has directing character and is binding to all employees. Annually the system is revisited.
The management manual is accessible to all employees of ADDCON. The manual has legal protection and may only be duplicated, distributed or in any other way made access to a third party after direct permission of the managing director of ADDCON.
The management delegate
The ADDCON Group has a quality management system in accordance with the followings norms and guides:
- ISO 9001:2015
- ISO 14001:2015/Blauer Engel
- ISO 50001:2018
- FSSC 22000/Kosher/Halal
- FAMI-QS/Q&S (ID 2953113153175)/pastus+/DE-ÖKO-006/FiBl/A-Futter/VLOG
The managing director of the ADDCON group delegates the following tasks of the Quality-, Environment- and Energymanagement and to the Food and Feed Safety to the management delegate (QMB)
The management delegate is the “delegate of the top management”. He has the rights and responsibilities, to ensure the constant maintenance and improvement of above stated norms and guides, to observe the implementation in the company and to report to the managing director. He has to improve the awareness of the requirements of customers. He is responsible for the documentation of the management manual. He constantly extends the system.
His further tasks are:
- Regulatory compliance of laws and norms
- Observating the manual and the SOP
- Internal/external audits
- Organization of training for all employees for all internal and external topics
The management assignes the task of QMB to
Mr. Dr. Celin Richter
(Head of Quality Management, Head of HSEQ, Head of HACCP)
,the management delegate for the above stated norms and standards for the ADDCON D with responsibilities for the ADDCON GmbH and the ADDCON EUROPE GmbH with the sites Areal D and Areal E in Bitterfeld.
The top management declares:
- To only deliver products of highest quality and to the highest satisfaction of the customers
- To constantly working on a positive image, to improve the processes of the management systems in accordance to quality standards
- To only use raw materials that have undergone an intense quality assurance
- To constantly improve the qualification of our employees and to create experienced and responsible teams
- To measure quality through key figures
- To work economically and ecologically and to minimize the negative impacts and to maximize the positive impacts on the environment
In relations to customers:
- To react fast and responsible in the processing of requests and to provide optimal solutions
- To constantly monitor the product quality and to accept the judgement of the customers over the quality of the products
- To maintain an intern quality laboratory to monitor all incoming and outgoing products
In relations to the employees:
- The ADDCON group offers his employees
o A high flexibility in the choice of their workplace
o The possibility of constant training
- The ADDCON group expects from their employees
o social competence in the team
o result oriented working
o willingness to constant training
o loyality to the company
o accept the management system and all its requirements
o to work on the improvement of the management system
In relation to the suppliers:
- To set the basis of a long and fruitful relationship with all suppliers in the sense of prices, punctuality, flexibility, quality and regulatory requirements
The quality politics of the ADDCON group is constantly monitored by internal and external audits to verify the current demands of interested parties.
The top management declares:
- To act on an environmentally friendly way and to implement environment principles like continuous improvement of environmental performance, regulatory compliance and binding demands, as well as awareness training
- To improve the environmental performance along the process lines from supplier to the use of the products and disposal
- To raise awareness from the employee to the customer
- To develop processes with focus on energy and resource efficiency
- To examine the environmental impact of every product, every process and every act on the local and global environment
- To implement the environment politics as the directing principle of our philosophy
- To measure environmental impact through key figures
- To give access to all necessary information of the environmental impact to the public, interesting parties and regulatory affairs and to be open to a dialog
- To commit all external services to the environmental priciples of the companies
- To train our employees regularly on environmental topics
The top management declares:
- To act with the goal of reducing structural and processual energy waste on basis of regulations and to optimize all processes in regards to this goal
- To strive for safe, affordable, environmental and energeticall efficient products and processes
- Suppliers and external services are also committed for energy efficient services and products and offering the most efficient solution
- To evaluate energy usage (ENPI)
- To measure energy usage and keep the data on current status
- To create actionplans and act on them
- To evaluate the plans and revise them regularly
- To raise awareness from the employee to the customer
- To develop processes with focus on energy and resource efficiency
- To train the employees on energy saving principles and include them in the implementation of the system
The top management declares:
- To take feed safety and all process chains in the production of safe feed and food seriously
- To do everything necessary to make sure, that all processes and production steps are fulfilling feed regulations and all requirements of the certified norms and guides, as well as the national and international feed laws
- To raise awareness, that feed safety is an indispensable necessity to avoid accidents and incidents, that could lead to animal or human harm
- To know, that ADDCON is liable to all produced and sold feed materials
- To declared a management delegate, that maintains and improves these principles
- To train all employee on hygiene and feed safety principles
- To take responsibility for all processes and products that are distributed and despite all precautions are not fulfilling the law
- To regularly measure the products on undesirable impurities and to act on transgressions by evaluating recall actions
- To regularly check on these principles through internal and external audits
- To start a team for feed safety, feed defense and feed fraud to evaluate risks and create action plans to minimize all adulteration and hygiene risks
The top management declares:
- To make sure, that food safety is ensured from supply to plate of the customer
- To maintain an international renown food safety system (e.g. FSSC 22000), as well as the religious Kosher and Halal-Standards to ensure this safety
- To evaluate the necessities and requirements of customers and act on it
- To commit to this safety on all processes
- To measure the food safety through key figures
- To include all employees, customers and suppliers through internal and external communications in all food related topics
- To start a team for food safety, food defense and food fraud to evaluate risks and create action plans to minimize all adulteration and hygiene risks
- To continuously maintain and improve these safety systems
- To be up to date to all regulations and requirements
Duty of a Feed and Food company
(Duties corresponding to EU and national regulations on Feed/Food Safety)
ADDCON should not distributed non-safe feed and food materials, premixtures, additives or silage additives
ADDCON is liable for the safety of the produced and distributed feed and food materials
ADDCON has to make sure, that all production and deliveries are traceable
ADDCON informs all federal agencies as well as certification bodys in case there is a reason to believe a non-safe feed or food material has been distributed
Immediate measure
ADDCON recalls all feed and food materials in case there is a reason to believe a non-safe feed or food material has been distributed
ADDCON identifies and observes all critical control points in all process and defines control measures for these points
ADDCON works together with the responsible federal agency and certification bodies in reducing safety risks
Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Areal E
Säurestraße 1, 06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Geschäftsführer: Kurt Wegleitner
Tel. (03493) 73780 · Fax (03493) 73787
Current information on security
Last audit 05.05.2021
Information to operating areas of the lower and upper class
The ADDCON EUROPE GmbH is specialized on the development and production of feed additives in solid and liquid form. Operating areas include a storage tank, silos for solid materials as well as a storage for liquid and solid raw materials and products with a storage area for “toxic/oxidizing materials”.
Because of handling sodium nitrite is the ADDCON EUROPE GmbH an operator of the lower class of the BImSchV. Sodium nitrite is a white odorless solid, that dissolves readily in water. At temperatures above 330 °C it decomposes to NO and NO2 as well as sodium oxide. Sodium nitrite is oxidizing, the more at higher temperatures and reacts exothermic on contact with aluminium, ammonia salts and many organic compounds. Sodium nitrit can cause serious eye irritations and is acute toxic after oral intake. The substance is listed as water hazardous. Under special conditions sodium nitrite is allowed as preservative (E250) and is used together with sodium chlorid as nitrite salting mix for preserving Meat- and Sausageproducts. Industrial it is an important raw material for producing dyes and is used as additive for rustproofing.
The stored relevant materials are converted through chemical/physical mixing processes into products, that are not relevant for the BImSchV. For all processes exist written operation procedures. The facilities are operated 24/7 in shift-system and by trained employees.
The storage for raw materials and products is equipped with a smoke- and heat exhaust system as well as fire extinguishers. Fire alarms will go off in case of an incident. The factory fire department of Securitas is only 50 m apart from the area. The ADDCON EUROPE GmbH also has a regularly revised alarm plan, in which behavior in emergencies is defined. To avoid incidents and for correct behavior in case of an incident our employees are regularly trained.
The facilities are approved in accordance with BImSchG and all safety requirements.
For further information, please read the brochure of the chemical park Bitterfeld (external link: www.chemiepark.de/das-unternehmen/id2540id2541id2544id2545/stoerfallbroschuere/
or contact us directly.